A smiling headshot of David Endler from Runtime VC in a suit.

David Endler

General Partner & Co-Founder

Prior to founding Runtime, David had a 25-year career in cybersecurity, during which he founded two successful companies.  In 2016, he co-founded SpyCloud, recognized as an industry leader in account takeover prevention and anti-ransomware.  Before this, he started Jumpshot, which developed anti-malware software for Windows and was acquired by Avast Antivirus in 2013.  Earlier in his career, he created and led security teams at cybersecurity companies TippingPoint (IPO then acquired by HP) and iDEFENSE (acquired by Verisign), as well as serving in security roles at MIT, Deloitte, and the National Security Agency.

David holds a BS and MS in Computer Science from Tulane University and is a published author of multiple patents and books, including “Hacking Exposed: VoIP” and “Hacking Exposed: Unified Communications.”